No Latin Mass Or Prayers For Dead Non-Catholics – Papal Teaching
March 11, 2023
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Bro. Peter Dimond

In our material we’ve cited various popes to demonstrate the Catholic Church’s teaching that Catholics are forbidden to pray for deceased non-Catholics.  In this article I want to present some important new quotes from Pope Gregory XVI which, to our knowledge, were never translated into English until our video was published.  I also want to give some examples of how this teaching of the Catholic Church is contradicted and rejected in our day by many people who claim to be Catholic, but sadly are not.  The first document (written in Latin) is an epistle of Pope Gregory XVI called Officium, addressed to a bishop in Bavaria on Feb. 16, 1842.  A few months earlier, on Nov. 13, 1841, Queen Caroline of Baden of Bavaria, who was a Protestant, died.  The bishop in the area regrettably allowed a funeral and prayers to be offered for this deceased non-Catholic queen.  Even though the attending Protestant minsters were not allowed into the church, the fact that a bishop at that time allowed prayers and a funeral for someone who died outside the Catholic Church was disgraceful.  It was a reflection of the theological breakdown that was occurring before Vatican II, particularly with regard to the defined dogma Outside The Catholic Church There Is No Salvation.  The promotion of heresies against that dogma – not by the Magisterium, but in fallible sources and by many fallible theologians before Vatican II – is what led to the Vatican II apostasy.  Firm belief in (and adherence to) the Church’s teaching on salvation and the necessity of baptism is what (to a large extent) distinguishes the true Catholics from those who lack a real supernatural faith that can please God in our day. 

Here’s what Pope Gregory XVI wrote to the bishop about this matter.

Pope Gregory XVI, Officium, Feb. 16, 1842:

LATIN: “Sed nobis sermo hic est de catholicis ritibus in eius funere adhibitis: habemusque ob oculos tuas literas, quas die decima nona novembris ea de re ad parochos dederas. 

Vix autem possumus explicare verbis, quantum concepimus animo dolorem cum ex earundem lectione cognosceremus, iussisse te, ut publicae illae supplicationes, quae pro omnibus in christiana et catholica societate defunctis, institutae ab Ecclesia, haberentur istic pro muliere principe quae in haeresi, ut manifestissime vixerat, ita et diem obiit supremum.  Nec quidquam ad id refert, si potuerit eadem in extremis vitae momentis, occulto Dei miserantis beneficio, illuminari ad poenitentiam.

Etenim secretiora haec divinae gratiae mysteria ad exterius ecclesiasticae potestatis iudicium minime pertinent: atque hinc veteri iuxta ac nova ecclesiae disciplina interdictum est, ne homines, in externa notoriaque haeresum professione defuncti catholicis ritibus honorentur.  Atqui satis tibi non fuit catholicos ritus hac occasione praescribere; sed iussisti etiam ut in funebri defunctae laudatione sacer orator eam commendaret speciatim piis fidelium precibus, ac vetuisiti ne quidquam porro adiiceret ad differentiam inter illud funus et catholicorum funera explicandam.

Immo in tuarum literarum exordio non es veritus de illius morte ita loqui, ut ipsam a Deo evocatam diceres ex hoc saeculo in vitam aeternam.  Non videmus equidem quomodo id a te fidenter adeo nullaque adiuncta declaratione affirmatum componi possit cum catholico dogmate de necessitate verae catholicae fidei ad obtinendam salute; cum eo, inquimus, dogmate quod inter praecipuos articulos in formulas professionis fidei relatum Nos quoque in encyclica epistola ad Bavariae antistites tuendum commendavimus tanquam antidotum contra grassantem indifferentisimi pestem, hoc praesertim tempore necessarium.

ENGLISH: “But this is the report given to us concerning the Catholic rites used in her [Queen Caroline’s] funeral; and we have before our eyes your letter, which, on the 19th day of November, you had given your parish priests regarding this matter.  But hardly are we able to express in words what kind of mental anguish we experienced when we learned from the reading of the same [letter] that you had commanded that those public supplications which have been instituted by the Church for all who die in Christian and Catholic fellowship should be held on this occasion for a woman ruler who met her ultimate end in the same heresy wherein she had most manifestly lived.  

Nor has it any bearing on the matter whether in the final moments of her life she may have been enlightened to repentance by a hidden benefit of the merciful God.  For, as a matter of fact, these more secret mysteries of divine grace in no way pertain to the exterior judgment of ecclesiastical authority; and this is why it has been forbidden by the ancient as well as the recent discipline of the Church for men who die in the external and notorious profession of heresies to be honored with Catholic rites.     

And yet it was not enough for you to prescribe Catholic rites on this occasion; no, you even commanded that in his funeral eulogy for the deceased the sacred speaker should specifically commend her to the pious prayers of the faithful, and you forbade him to add anything further to explain the difference between that funeral and the funerals of Catholics.  Indeed, at the beginning of your letter, you did not fear to speak about her death as to say that she had been called by God from this world into eternal life.    

We certainly do not see how what was so boldly affirmed by you even with no clarification added can be truly reconciled with the Catholic dogma concerning the necessity of the true Catholic faith to obtain salvation – with that very dogma, We say, which, among other principal articles, has been reproduced in the formulas for the profession of the faith, and which We also commended in Our encyclical letter to the bishops of Bavaria to be observed as the antidote to the spreading pest of indifferentism, an antidote especially necessary at this time.” (Acta Greg. XVI, Vol. III, pp. 198-199)

There are some very interesting statements in this letter.  First, Pope Gregory XVI rebukes the bishop and reaffirms the Church’s teaching that people who die outside of communion with the Catholic Church cannot be honored with Catholic rites.  This law goes back to the ancient Church.  It is summed up as: “With those with whom we have not communicated while they were living we do not venture to communicate with while they are dead”.  This was taught by Pope St. Leo the Great, Pope St. Gregory VII, and others. 

Pope St. Gregory VII, To Bishop Henry of Liege, Oct. 28, 1076: “If, then, in this schism which, being ventured upon against the Holy and Apostolic church… he or anyone who shall have freely signed his name and, while knowingly communicating with the excommunicated king, has died or shall have died without penance and satisfaction, we cannot differ from the relevant sentence of the holy fathers – namely, With those with whom we have not communicated while they were living we do not venture to communicate with while they are dead.’”

This law was connected to why the unbaptized were forbidden Christian burial, and it was incorporated into medieval canon law.  It doesn’t just forbid masses and public funerals for deceased non-Catholics.  It forbids all prayers for deceased non-Catholics.  Notice that Pope Gregory XVI rebuked the bishop specifically for telling the speaker to recommend the faithful to even pray for the deceased Protestant: “you even commanded that in his funeral eulogy for the deceased the sacred speaker should specifically commend her to the pious prayers of the faithful…” 

Moreover, as another example of this principle, which we cited in a previous video, Pope St. Gregory VII forbade prayers to be offered for anyone who died in the service an excommunicated prince (cited above).  That applies to all who die outside of communion with the Church.  The decretals of Pope Gregory IX also prohibited prayer for deceased heretics, as well as those who receive or favor heretics.

Decretals of Pope Gregory IX (AD 1234), Book V, Title VII De Haereticis, Chap. 8: “Haeretici, receptatores et fautores eorum excommunicati sunt, et decedentes in hoc peccato, in coemeterio ecclesiae sepeliri non debent, nec pro eis orari.

“Heretics, as well as those who receive and favor them, are excommunicated; and, dying in this sin, they should not be buried in a cemetery of the Church nor should prayers be said for them.”

Likewise, in his bull Inter Cunctas, Pope Martin V taught that praying for any of the followers of the heretics Wycliffe, Hus or Jerome of Prague made one suspect of heresy. 

Pope Martin V, Inter Cunctas, Feb. 22, 1418: “Moreover, we… decree that if anyone…. Should be found of ill-repute or suspicion… of the doctrine of the aforementioned pestilential heresiarch John Wycliffe, John Hus and Jerome of Prague, either by supporting, receiving, or defending the aforementioned condemned men or their perfidious followers and pseudo-disciples, while they lived among men, or by believing their errors, by praying for them when dead or for any of their party after death…”

The bull makes it clear that even praying privately for them was contrary to Catholic teaching. 

Pope Martin V, Inter Cunctas, Feb. 22, 1418: “Likewise, whether after their death he has prayed for the same [heretics] (or any one of them) and either publicly or secretly practiced works of piety for them, asserting that they are going to be blessed and saved.”

This refutes many people in our day who argue that even if you aren’t permitted to offer a public mass for a deceased heretic or a deceased non-Catholic, you may pray privately for that person.  No, that’s false and contrary to Catholic teaching.  Moreover, it would be absurd for the Church to forbid all public prayers and public rites for deceased non-Catholics (because such rites would contradict the dogma Outside The Church There Is No Salvation), but then allow the faithful to rush home and pray in private for the non-Catholics (and contradict the dogma in their private lives).  That’s nonsense. 

Gregory XVI also responds to a common objection people make on this matter.  Many object: what if this heretical queen (who had been baptized) repented just before her death.  We were not with her during her final moments.  On that matter Pope Gregory XVI stated: “Nor has it any bearing on the matter whether in the final moments of her life she may have been enlightened to repentance by a hidden benefit of the merciful God.  For, as a matter of fact, these more secret mysteries of divine grace in no way pertain to the exterior judgment of ecclesiastical authority; and this is why it has been forbidden by the ancient as well as the recent discipline of the Church for men who die in the external and notorious profession of heresies to be honored with Catholic rites.” 

Pope Gregory XVI teaches that unless they demonstrate by their external actions and profession that they embraced the true Catholic faith, they are considered to have died outside the Church.  People may not pray for them.  His reference to the ancient discipline of the Church is a reference to, among other things, Pope St. Gregory III’s letter on this matter, which we’ve also cited in various videos. 

Pope St. Gregory III, c. AD 732: “You ask for advice on the lawfulness of making offerings for the dead.  The teaching of the Church is this: that every man should make offerings for those who died as true Christians [Catholics]… But he is not allowed to do so for those who die in a state of sin even if they were Christians.” (Epistle 1 To Bonifacium Germanorum Apostolum [in Gratianum pro obeuntibus 21, C. XIII, q. 2])

It’s noteworthy that in order to substantiate his statement that the Church’s ancient and recent discipline forbids Catholic rites for those who die in heresy, Pope Gregory XVI gives footnotes to the teaching of Pope Martin V in Inter Cunctas (cited above) and Pope St. Gregory III (cited above).

By the way, it’s interesting how many Pope Gregorys have taught that Catholics are not permitted to pray for deceased non-Catholics or for those who die in clear grave sin.  There’s teaching on this matter from Pope St. Gregory the Great, Pope St. Gregory III, Pope St. Gregory VII, the Decretals of Pope Gregory IX, and Pope Gregory XVI.  There is also Pope Martin V.  Here’s the passage from Pope St. Gregory the Great, which was also cited by St. Thomas Aquinas.

Pope St. Gregory the Great, Moralia, Book 34: “There is, therefore, the same reason for not praying then for men condemned to eternal fire, as there is now for not praying for the devil and his angels who have been consigned to eternal punishment.  And this is now the reason for holy men not praying for unbelieving and ungodly men who are dead; for they are unwilling that the merit of their prayer should be set aside, in that presence of the righteous Judge, in behalf of those whom they know to be already consigned to eternal punishment.”

St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Suppl. Q. 71, A. 5: “Gregory says (Moralia xxxiv): There is the same reason for not praying then (namely after the judgment day) for men condemned to everlasting fire, as there is now for not praying for the devil and his angels who are sentenced to eternal punishment, and for this reason the saints do not pray for dead unbelieving and wicked men, because, forsooth, knowing them to be already condemned to eternal punishment, they shrink from pleading for them by the merit of their prayers..."

Other doctors of the Church, such as St. Francis Xavier, repeated the same Catholic teaching.

St. Francis Xavier, Nov. 5, 1549: “The corsair who commanded our vessel died here at Cagoxima.  He did his work for us, on the whole, as we wished… He himself chose to die in his own superstitions; he did not even leave us the power of rewarding him by that kindness which we can after death do to other friends who die in the profession of the Christian faith, in commending their souls to God, since the poor fellow by his own hand cast his soul into hell, where there is no redemption.”

Pope Gregory XVI concludes his rebuke by pointing out that the bishop’s statement that the heretical Protestant queen went to Heaven is contrary to the dogma concerning the necessity of the Catholic faith to obtain salvation.  With these facts of Catholic teaching in mind, consider the manner in which many people reacted to the death of Queen Elizabeth II in September of 2022.  Elizabeth was sadly a Protestant and a notorious heretic like Caroline of Baden.  In fact, Elizabeth was worse and more notorious than Caroline in many ways.  Elizabeth was not only a member of a heretical sect, but she purported to be the head of the Church of England. 

Nevertheless, here’s a post from the heretics at so-called Catholic Answers stating that people should pray for the repose of her soul.

‘Catholic’ Answers, Sept. 8, 2022: “Queen Elizabeth II, who reigned for seventy years as Queen of the United Kingdom and fourteen other realms, has died at ninety-six years of age.  Let us pray for her soul’s repose.” 

That’s contrary to Catholic teaching, as we’ve seen.  It’s a reflection of their heretical position.  They reject the dogma Outside The Church There Is No Salvation.  By the way, some years ago ‘Catholic Answers’ put out a pamphlet that was supposed to be about the dogma Outside The Church There Is No Salvation.  It did not cite any of the dogmatic definitions on the topic.  They didn’t cite the dogmatic definitions because their attempts to explain the dogma away are blatantly contrary to what the dogma itself declares.  They are not Catholic.  All the groups or individuals we will be citing here (who prayed for Elizabeth after her death) deny the Church’s teaching that people must have the Catholic faith to be saved. 

‘Cardinal’ Vincent Nichols, Vatican II Sect ‘Archbishop’ of Westminster & President of the ‘Catholic’ Bishops Conference of England & Wales, Sept. 8, 2022: “We pray for the repose of the soul of Her Majesty [Queen Elizabeth II].

Brompton Oratory (London): “At 11am on Sunday 11 September [2022] a solemn requiem Mass will be offered for the repose of the soul of HM Queen Elizabeth II, with heartfelt thanks to Almighty God for her Christian life and witness.”

Here is the false traditionalist Taylor Marshall, who is not a true Catholic, contradicting Catholic teaching by praying for Elizabeth after her death.

Taylor Marshall, Joe Biden Appoints Satanist At White House Response Team, Sept. 8, 2022: “Yes, very sad, before I went live I learned that Queen Elizabeth II has passed away and gone to her reward.  May she rest in peace [making the Sign of the Cross], and may the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.”

Here is the false traditionalist priest William Jenkins (a John 3:5 mocker) repeatedly telling his listeners to pray for Elizabeth after her death.  He thereby contradicts Catholic teaching and encourages others to sin. 

Fr. William Jenkins (SSPV), Who can judge Elizabeth II?, Sept. 13, 2022: “And so we do pray for the soul of Elizabeth… our role is to pray, and I’m sure we have all prayed for her salvation… And we can only pray for mercy for her soul.  We do… The only thing that can be of any benefit is those who care enough about her soul to pray for her.  And I would say that we should do that.  Certainly, as Catholics we should remember her in our prayers. 

That’s an example of how when people follow heretics who deny the Catholic Church’s teaching on salvation, they will get led astray.

The false traditionalist heretic Mario Derksen (a John 3:5 mocker who endorses public heretics who teach the heresy that souls can be saved without the Catholic faith, including in pagan religions) has also argued that Catholics may pray for deceased non-Catholics and even offer mass privately for them.  That is of course wrong and contrary to Catholic teaching, as we’ve shown.  However, that serious error did find its way into the teaching of liberal and heretical theologians before Vatican II.  It was even supported in a Catholic Encyclopedia article.  That’s more evidence that the breakdown of the faith started before Vatican II.  Those who don’t recognize that the apostasy started before Vatican II will not have a good understanding of the current situation.  Some people think: “well I can just find any book published before 1955 with an imprimatur and it will necessarily be safe and orthodox.”  No, that’s not the case.  It’s not as if everyone who embraced the heresies at Vatican II showed up at Vatican II and suddenly fell into apostasy.  In most cases, the men who went along with the heresies of Vatican II had already lost the faith in the years or decades preceding Vatican II.  The denial of the Church’s teaching on salvation was main factor.

The Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) in Auckland New Zealand even publicly promoted and offered a Requiem Mass for Queen Elizabeth. 

FSSP Auckland, Facebook, Sep. 8, 2022: “Tonight’s mass in Mt. St. Mary’s in Titirangi at 7pm will be a Requiem Mass for HRH Queen Elizabeth II.”

That’s totally outrageous, a mortal sin, and will be further contradicted by the next papal quote we will consider.

Fr. Armand de Malleray, FSSP, The Death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Homily, Sept. 11, 2022: “During this Holy Mass, let us pray for the repose of the soul of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth.” (St. Mary’s Warrington YouTube Channel)

Also, the heretics at Sensus Fidelium, who accept the false Vatican II religion, promoted the sinful and heretical statements made by the aforementioned Fraternity of St Peter ‘priest’.

Leeds Cathedral (Diocese Of Leeds, England), Requiem Mass for Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Sept. 9, 2022: “That He who is our Eternal Shepherd may welcome her into His own house, where she may dwell indeed forever and ever.”

Corpus Christi Maiden Lane (Westminster Diocesan Shrine, London), Sung Requiem Mass for Queen Elizabeth II, Sept. 11, 2022: “As we celebrate a requiem for the repose of the soul of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth… Our beloved Queen Elizabeth had a long and good life.  May Our Blessed Savior receive Queen Elizabeth into the house of the Father.”

“Archbishop” Prowse of Canberra, Australia, Queen Elizabeth RIP, Sept. 8, 2022: “Along with so many others around the world, we join in prayer at the death of Queen Elizabeth II… So at her death let us pray for her.  Let us think of her and pray for her at our masses.” (Catholic Voice Archdiocese Canberra & Goulburn)

“Bishop” Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Illinois, Remembering, Understanding Queen Elizabeth II’s Reign, Sept. 18, 2022: “May the soul of Queen Elizabeth II rest in peace.” 

Not surprisingly, the apostate Antipope Francis announced that he’d be praying for the soul of the deceased Protestant queen.  That message was promoted by EWTN, which is more evidence that EWTN does not have the faith. 

Queen Elizabeth and the Popes - EWTN News In Depth, Sept. 9, 2022: “Yesterday Pope Francis sent a telegram to King Charles III, expressing his heartfelt condolences, complimenting a life dedicated to service, and said that he would be praying for the Queen’s eternal rest.”

The heretic Michael Voris and his heretical group even prayed for Ruth Bader Ginsburg after she died – a woman who was not only notoriously wicked and non-Catholic, but she didn’t even claim to believe in Jesus.  Voris not only contradicted Catholic teaching and practice by engaging in this sinful behavior, but, in his blindness, he wrongly described this activity as what good Catholics do and what God demands people to do.  It’s outrageous.

Michael Voris, Sept. 19, 2020: “We should pray for RBG [Ruth Bader Ginsburg], certainly.”

Michael Voris, The Vortex, Stone Cold Killer, Sept. 22, 2020: “In fact, some members of the staff and I were out eating when the news hit our phones, and after the first few immediate seconds of shock, we did exactly what good Catholics do and what Our Lord demands: we prayed for her.”

It’s also noteworthy that Pope Gregory XVI’s statement further demolishes the Vatican II Sect’s heresy that there are non-Catholic saints and martyrs.  The position that there are non-Catholic saints and martyrs, which is a blatant denial of Catholic dogma, is officially taught by Vatican II, Paul VI, John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis.  It directly contradicts many magisterial pronouncements, including the Church’s dogmatic teaching that “nobody can be saved, no matter how much he has given away in alms and even if he has shed blood in the name of Christ, unless he has persevered in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.”

Since, as Gregory XVI points out, it has always been forbidden to even honor with Catholic rites those who die in the external profession of heresy (you must not offer a mass for them, you must not pray for them, etc.), how much more is it forbidden to publicly teach that people who die in the profession of heresy can be saints or martyrs.  The teaching of Gregory XVI, which is simply a reiteration of what the Church has always taught on that matter, demonstrates again that the Vatican II antipopes are manifest heretics.  They’ve taught their heresy that there are non-Catholic saints and martyrs dozens of times.  That heresy by itself proves that they are not popes.

Nevertheless, evil tools of Satan, such as the following modernist heretic, attempt to defend that blatant heresy of the antipopes without any success.

Michael Lofton, Review: Sedevacantism Debate, Sept. 20, 2022: “When we speak of an Anglican martyr, are there members of the Anglican communion who could possibly be united to the one true Church of Christ and they even shed their blood for Christ?  Yes, it’s possible that some of those are not formally adhering to Anglicanism, and therefore could be united to the Catholic faith and they have even died for the name of Christ.  That’s what John Paul II is referencing.  That’s what Vatican II is referencing... some of the popes like John Paul II… when they speak of Anglican martyrs… they’re talking about an Anglican who is actually united to the Church, who is actually a member of the Catholic Church interiorly.” 

His argument is terrible and his statement is so obviously contrary to Catholic dogmatic teaching that it doesn’t even require a response.  I will note, however, that Pope Gregory XVI refutes the aforementioned modernist heretic when he teaches that the issue of whether someone may have repented in their final moments has no bearing on the Church’s position that people who externally profess heresy cannot be honored with Catholic rites.  

“Nor has it any bearing on the matter whether in the final moments of her life she may have been enlightened to repentance by a hidden benefit of the merciful God.  For, as a matter of fact, these more secret mysteries of divine grace in no way pertain to the exterior judgment of ecclesiastical authority; and this is why it has been forbidden by the ancient as well as the recent discipline of the Church for men who die in the external and notorious profession of heresies to be honored with Catholic rites.”

Pope Gregory did not say that someone can externally deny Catholic teaching and internally be Catholic.  No.  A person of course must actually reject heresy and embrace the Catholic faith to be Catholic.  What he did say, rather, is that even when it’s unknown if someone actually changed or repented before death – that still does not justify Catholic prayers, rites, etc. for a person who, according to all the evidence we have externally, professed heresy.  Hence, the absurd modernist argument we just quoted from the heretic, according to which people who reject Catholic teaching externally could internally and secretly be Catholics (and therefore it’s okay not only to teach that they can be saved, but for them to be considered martyrs and saints), is proven to be heretical nonsense.  For even if you grant for the sake of argument the false modernist claim that one can externally reject the Catholic faith and secretly/internally be Catholic – a claim that’s patently false – that still would not justify honoring a person with Catholic rites or teaching that a person is a saint or a martyr, who, according to all external evidence, professed heresies.  So, there’s absolutely no way to defend the blatant heresy of the Vatican II antipopes that there are non-Catholic saints and martyrs, which is found in Vatican II itself.

Pope Gregory XVI addressed the same matter in another document called Litteras Accepimus, dated July 9, 1842.  This was written to a representative of a Benedictine monastery in Bavaria.  What happened was that as part of the arrangement for the monastery to be restored by the king, the leader of the monastery imprudently agreed to celebrate a funeral for all future kings and queens at their death.  But if a king or a queen would die outside the Church, this would result in a contradiction with Catholic teaching.  Gregory XVI wrote to the representative of the monastery telling him that what they did was wrong and that they were forbidden to carry out the agreement.  He stated: 

Pope Gregory XVI, Litteras Accepimus, July 9, 1842:

Latin: “Nos igitur sanctissimis insistentes Ecclesiae regulis respondemus intentionem illam offerendi divinum sacrificium seu alias preces pro defunctis e catholica regia familia universis, haudquaquam satis esse ad cohonestandam publici funeris causam, quod pro acatholica persona nominatim postulatum est et in eius obitu aut annua die celebratur;  atqui hinc Nos ipsi etsi te, dilecte fili, tuosque monachos paterna caritate prosequamur, ea tamen quae ad coenobium istud eiusque res pertinent non antea probaturi et confirmaturi erimus, quam conditio illa incaute a vobis suscepta, ad sola catholicorum principum funera restringatur.  Nec enim permittere possumus, ut ullo modo fraus fiat prohibitioni illi, quae in catholica ipsa doctrina innititur, de sacro funere pro defunctis acatholicis non celebrando.”

English: “Therefore We, taking our stand upon the most sacred rules of the Church, respond that that intention of offering the Divine Sacrifice or other prayers for the deceased members of a royal Catholic family in their entirety is by no means sufficient to justify the case of a public funeral expressly requested for a non-Catholic person and to be celebrated at their death or on an anniversary day.  And so, beloved son, although We regard you and your monks with paternal charity, We are nevertheless not about to approve and confirm anything relating to that monastery of yours and its affairs until that condition incautiously undertaken by you is restricted exclusively to the funerals of Catholic princes

     For We cannot permit that any kind of fraud be practiced against that prohibition (which is based on Catholic doctrine itself) against celebrating sacred funerals for deceased non-Catholics... In the meantime, should it happen, before the matter is settled with His Majesty, that Her Most Serene Highness the Queen should meet her last day outside the true Catholic faith (which may God forbid), then you and your monks need great strength of mind and prudence to ensure that you at least avoid violating in even the slightest degree that most grave prohibition of Holy Church...” (Acta Greg. XVI, Vol. III, pp. 222-223)

In this document Pope Gregory XVI addresses funerals for deceased non-Catholics (which of course included masses), and he again forbids them.  He says this is based Catholic doctrine.  We also saw from his other document and the other quotes we covered that not just funerals and masses, but all prayers (public or private) are forbidden for deceased non-Catholics.  The facts that we’ve covered in this video prove again that our position on this matter is correct: Catholics are not permitted to pray for deceased non-Catholics.  The reasoning behind this should obvious to those who actually believe in the Church’s teaching that the Catholic faith is necessary for salvation.  However, these facts will be resisted by people who deny the Church’s teaching on this matter, and that is a huge problem today.  In many ways, it’s what led to the Great Apostasy.  It’s a reflection of what Our Lord said in Luke 18:8: when the son of man returns, will he find faith on earth.  People need to embrace the traditional Catholic faith, as our material explains.

Copyright © 2023 Most Holy Family Monastery


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