- English Channel | |
Download Audio — File Size: 37.8 MB — Duration: 41:18 Faith & Doctrine | History | Second Vatican Council | Vatican II Church Is Not Catholic You can find an article on this matter here as well: This is a must-see video for all who claim to be traditional or conservative Catholics. If one were to list the main reasons why some “traditionalists” still accept the Vatican II “popes” as true popes despite having problems with the Vatican II Church and the teaching of Vatican II, the idea that Vatican II was “not an infallible or binding council” would be at the top of the list. This a major issue. This video carefully examines the matter and completely refutes the false traditionalist position. In addition to discussing in detail the main aspects of the issue, the video contains numerous very important new points. The new points include quotes from John XXIII’s opening speech at Vatican II that will certainly surprise or even shock false traditionalists who for years have been fed misinformation on this matter. |
Was Vatican II Infallible?
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