Epic Blunder in New SSPX Book, ‘True or False Pope?’ (New Rite of Ordination)
vaticancatholic.com - English Channel | |
Faith & Doctrine | Reviews (Books - TV Shows - Movies) | The Gates Of Hell Shall Not Prevail | The Seven Sacraments | Traditional Catholic Issues | Vatican II Church Is Not Catholic | Where Is The Catholic Church? This other video also totally refutes Salza, Siscoe and the SSPX on heresy, judging heretics, sedevacantism, etc. https://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/catholicchurch/remnant-robert-siscoe-refuted-sedevacantism/ This video exposes their position as well: This is a file with more materials refuting and exposing John Salza: https://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/catholicchurch/who-is-john-salza/ This video also completely refutes their position by examining the Church’s teaching on professing the true faith: |
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