The “Strongest” Argument Against The Papacy (Pope Vigilius) – Refuted
May 9, 2024
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This video is a must-see for those interested in apologetics and defending the Papacy. It addresses and refutes the ‘strongest’ argument that many Eastern ‘Orthodox’ and Protestants think they have against Vatican I and the Catholic Church’s teaching on the Papacy. This video covers the following (among other things):

0:00 Non-Catholics Think Vigilius Refutes Catholicism
1:17 The Three Chapters
2:14 The Dilemma With Regard To Theodoret And Ibas
3:12 Emperor Justinian Insists On A Condemnation
3:20 Justinian’s First Condemnation Of The Chapters (544-545)
3:41 Patriarch Menas Of Constantinople Defers To The Pope
4:39 Papal Primacy Is Shown At The Outset Of The Controversy
4:48 Patriarch Anatolius Of Constantinople Said Chalcedon Was Reserved To Pope Leo
5:19 Then Menas And Others Submit To Justinian
5:25 Emperor Justinian Acknowledges Papal Primacy
5:36 Emperor Justinian’s Code Of Law Supports The Papacy
7:02 Pope Vigilius Arrives In Constantinople (547)
7:08 Vigilius Issues His Iudicatum (548)
7:19 He Added A Clause That Preserved Respect For Chalcedon
7:43 Two Important Points About Papal Supremacy
8:24 The Galatians 1:8 Principle
9:04 St. Maximus On The Papacy
10:30 Vigilius Withdrew His Iudicatum And Plans For A Council With Justinian
10:40 Justinian Violates The Agreement & Publishes His 551 Edict
10:49 Under Pressure, Menas & Others Subscribe To The 551 Edict
11:04 Vigilius Excommunicates Menas & Others
11:12 Justinian Responds By Imprisoning Vigilius
11:36 Vigilius Assaulted At The Altar
12:01 Emperor Justinian Temporarily Backs Down
12:19 Patriarch Menas & Others Ask The Pope For Forgiveness
12:28 Menas’ Profession Of Faith Submitting Documents To Vigilius
13:07 Eastern ‘Orthodox’ Refuted On The Patriarch Asking For Forgiveness
13:33 Menas Asks Forgiveness For Communing With People Vigilius Condemned
13:54 The Eastern Bishops Profess That They Accept The Papal Decrees
14:12 Council Opens Without Vigilius
14:17 Evidence For Papal Primacy In Session 1 - Eutychius’ Profession
15:49 Vigilius Issues His First Constitutum On May 14, 553
16:03 The Council Condemns Pope Vigilius
16:36 An Ecumenical Council Did Not Condemn Vigilius
16:56 Nicaea II Says Ecumenical Councils Require The Pope’s Cooperation
18:16 Eastern ‘Orthodox’ Apologists Refuted On Nicaea II On Ecumenical Councils
20:33 Why Would They Even Condemn Vigilius?
20:43 Justinian Removed Those Who Did Not Comply
21:51 Constantinople II Cited The Galatians 1:8 Principle
22:59 In Session 5 They Profess Communion With Vigilius Despite His Exercise Of Universal Authority
24:18 The Acts Of Constantinople II Were Edited To Remove The Condemnations Of Vigilius
26:33 ‘Orthodox’ Apologists Argue That Sess. 8 Dogmatizes Consensus-Based Ecclesiology
28:24 Refuting Their Argument Concerning Session 8
33:39 Objections To Papal Infallibility
34:21 What Eastern ‘Orthodox’ Claim About The First Constitutum
36:12 Refuting ‘Orthodox’ Claims Regarding The First Constitutum On The First Chapter (Theodore)
37:19 No Error In Vigilius’ Solemn Decree About Theodore In The First Constitutum
39:51 The First Constitutum On The Second Chapter (The Writings Of Theodoret)
40:11 Jay & Another ‘Orthodox’ Misrepresent Vigilius’ First Constitutum
41:36 Vigilius’ Decree In The First Constitutum Concerning The Second Chapter
42:35 Vigilius’ First Constitutum On The Third Chapter (The Letter To Mari)
44:34 The First Constitutum’s Solemn Decree On The Letter To Mari Contains No Error Against The Faith
46:08 God’s Providence In Protecting Vigilius’ Solemn Decree
46:55 Vigilius’ Second Constitutum
49:40 Refuting ‘Orthodox’ On Vigilius Supposedly Submitting To The Council
50:07 The Second Letter To Eutychius
50:32 Vigilius’ Second Letter To Eutychius, Exercising Authority, Included In The Acts


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